When I woke up this morning, the magic fairies have fixed the problem and 
everything worked fine...

So, I decided to restore my corrupted drawing, and deleted kpc/ and plasma-
svgelements* and now I get even worse glitches then before - even non-prefixed 
elements get drawn badly.

> one thing that might be enlightening is to see if resize is getting called
> at any point with (0, 0). resizing invalidates the cached local entries and
> will access different entries ... though one would expect that when
> actually drawn at whatever size the buttons are drawn they are the correct
> size.
I'm testing this now. Svg::resize gets called sometimes with (-1, -1), will 
see from where exactly.

> tomorrow i'll try and write some tests to track it down. which svg file(s)
> in particular is the problematic one(s)?
There were no particular SVGs, all have problems.

> why? it's not going to magically become invalid.
Sometimes it does, because of a bug or something.

> the theming relies in several places on the idea of non-existent elements.
> all of the hints, for instance.
So, what exactly is remembered for elements. Do we remember when an element 
doesn't exist? Why is the element that has the size 0x0 treated like it 
doesn't exist? (not that I have those elements, just asking)

There is a better way of life and it's not so hard to find
If you live and let the people in your world speak its mind
    -- Deep Purple

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