A Saturday 17 January 2009 14:12:12, Rob Scheepmaker escreveu:
> On Thursday 15 January 2009 17:47:30 Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> > hey everybody
> >
> > fristly confirmation for the people coming.
> I'll be there!
> > Secondly I asked several people already to prepare a litle presentation
> > to give on the 6.  (can be about anything as long as its plasma related,
> > i think a small presentatioon of your personal adgenda for the meeting is
> > prety interesting).
> >
> > so if you coud send me a title to the presentation and expected time it
> > will take you it will be great.
> I suppose I can give a talk about extenders. Since there will also be non
> plasma people, I was wondering how technical I should get though. Should I
> dive into how to use them in your applet, or just show what they are, what
> they can do, and what features I've planned for the next release?

I think we should focus mostly on the internal people aka us. but if we can 
give a litle introductury test about what we are talking about i think it will 
be nice....

> > thanks in advance
> > Nuno Pinheiro
> and thank you for arranging this meeting. :)

Thank you for coming. 

> Regards,
> Rob

btw major update to the http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Tokamak2 page.

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