Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> Hi Mario,

Morning sebas

> On Thursday 05 March 2009 13:39:37 Mario Fux wrote:
> > So dear Plasma devs. What can I do to motivate you to fill in this date
> >
> > finding thingy:
> > > [1]
> >
> > Current state is a preference for the days Wednesday, September 26 to
> > Monday, September 31.
> >
> > Aaron seems to prefer September. I offer the weeks from middle August to
> > the middle of September.
> >
> > Five persons (including me) already showed their preference: Davide
> > Bettio, Alessandro Diaferia, Luca Gugelmann and MoRpHeUz. So could people
> > as Aaron, Annma, Sebastian Kuegler, Celeste, Riccardo, Chani and
> > especially the once I forgot please fill in the form?
> As Marco and Pinheiro said, for some people it's hard to plan right now,
> which, in terms of "getting on with it" means "any of the dates has an
> equal chance to suck in the end, so they're all OK" ;-)
> That's also what I filled in.
> I think the biggest issue was that some people want it in the last week of
> holiday so they don't have to skip school for Plasma (again). That's not me
> though, and I guess those people (modulo Chani) have already filled in.


> > And what about the people from Kwin. As I heard it would be good to have
> > some of them onboard as well.
> We want to invite Lubos, Martin and Lucas as well, they're on

Shall I ask them and direct them to the doodle?

> > I don't wanna annoy or rush you but just like to fix a date to begin with
> > the organisation of beds, hardware, food, etc.
> Fully understandable.
> > Thx and greets from cloudy Zurich
> Same weather here, luckily leaving for a summery in Brazil later today :P

Lucky man you
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