mart added a comment.

  In D26530#593123 <>, @ngraham wrote:
  > In D26530#592999 <>, @mart wrote:
  > > It would already be much better if the track was actually very visible, 
visually delimiting the space
  > >  F7880630: image.png <>
  > I think it looks fantastic, or at least it would if that vertical line 
touched the top and bottom of the view, and the bar were wider so it did a 
better job of taking up the space in the track. This is in fact how macOS looks 
when you disable overlay-style scrolling globally, and personally I would like 
this everywhere -- at least on the desktop. On mobile, then sure, the 
scrollbars cam be tiny and almost/entirely disappearing. But I just don't like 
this style on the desktop. I don't think it's a case of, "it's new, I hate it." 
I'm pertty open to change, and I lived with it on and off on macOS since 2011 
(see but never 
got used to it.
  I may take a look into changing the breeze style do do such line, tough i 
would like that:
  - breeze qwidget also supports disappearing scrollbar on touch (and hmm, 
configurable :p)
  - on mobile scrollbar behavior is always hiding, and overlay
  - even change on the fly when flicking a view with touch (and change back 
when the mouse is used):  this is fine to be qml only as flicking is not really 
going to work correctly with qwidgets.
  > I agree. However personally I think this impression comes from how 
typically each view is put within its own frame, rather than separating 
adjacent views with single-pixel lines like how Kirigami does it (which solves 
the problem). This leads to horrible frame overload like so: F7880807: 
Screenshot_20200113_065712.png <>
  >   I don't think the size of the scrollbars has much to do with it.
  yes, i'm saying that the patch besides putting the separation in the frame, 
it also reintroduces the frame by default, which is unrelated (and i think it 
should be avoided)

  R858 Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style


To: ahiemstra, #plasma, #goal_consistency, mart
Cc: kmaterka, mart, ndavis, IlyaBizyaev, ngraham, broulik, plasma-devel, 
LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, GB_2, ragreen, 
ZrenBot, alexeymin, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol, ahiemstra

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