Hi Plasma devels,

I recently found myself in the situation where I wanted to implement a
simple popup menu in a Plasma applet. I had to use C++ since the menu is
dynamic and an existing C++ class. The problem was that I had no idea
what to do other than using something like QToolButton which looks ugly
and does not even work properly (menu pops up in the wrong place).

I had a look in the Plasma API docs which contains gazillion of classes,
many of which have close to no documentation.

I ended up trying IconWidget which seemed the right choice (the #plasma
irc channel did not get my any further) but that class does not work
very nice either. It does not scale with the panel and seems pretty
unmaintained alltogether.

On top of that the docu contains a lot of private classes. IMHO that is
no good situation for a toolkit as important as Plasma.

Thus, I would ask that someone takes the time to at least add the proper
Doxygen hints to the Mainpage.dox to exclude the private classes. And
maybe the maintainers of the Plasma classes could add a brief
description to each class so one can understand their purpose.

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work. :) (says he after four
paragraphs of bitching ;)

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