On Tuesday 01 February 2011 13:45:14 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> - Making KWin's taskswitcher more Activity-aware, for example by grouping
>   windows in the Boxswitch, by having some "chapter" visualization in
>   Coverswitch, or columns / grid in Present Windows
Easy to achieve as TabBox uses a QAbstractItemModel internally. Changing that 
to a TreeModel and sorting by Activities should rather trivial. Also TabBox 
could easily be extended to switch Activities.

More difficult is it in the effects: windows from other activities are 
unmapped, so we do not have the pixmap/texture for it (see empty spaces bug in 
Present Windows/Desktop Grid). We could use the multiple desktop hack, but 
that won't work if a system starts with multiple activities. For me it looks 
like effects and activities are not trivially possible.


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