On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 8:03 PM, Vishesh Handa <m...@vhanda.in> wrote:

> On Saturday, April 12, 2014 09:14:38 AM Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > "My concern is more on how the users will see it. Will they understand
> that
> > Milou and Kickoff work differently or will they think that we ship
> > redundant features by default? So yes they serve a different purpose, but
> > from an end user perspective I rather doubt it."
> a.) Most of the users won't discover the search in KickOff because there
> is no
> search bar. I could be wrong, but I don't think people think "if I type
> here,
> it will start searching"

Note that after opening Kickoff, it says "Type to start searching..." at
the top bar for 5 seconds. Arguably it could/should have been shown all the
time, but (also arguably) it's not as undiscoverable as it has been

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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