zaparaszam do testowania i zglaszania uwag.
# ./builder -ba r LINUX_2_6 kernel-net-ipp2p.spec

# iptables -m ipp2p -h

IPP2P v0.5b options:
 --ipp2p        Grab all known p2p packets
 --ipp2p-data   Grab all known p2p data packets
 --edk          Grab all known eDonkey/eMule/Overnet packets
 --edk-data     Grab all eDonkey/eMule/Overnet data packets
 --dc           Grab all known Direct Connect packets
 --dc-data      Grab all Direct Connect data packets
 --kazaa        Grab all KaZaA packets
 --kazaa-data   Grab all KaZaA data packets
 --gnu          Grab all Gnutella packets
 --gnu-data     Grab all Gnutella data packets
 --bit          Grab all BitTorrent packets (beta - handle with care)
 --apple        Grab all AppleJuice packets (beta - handle with care)

If you think of MS-DOS as mono, and Windows as stereo,
  then Linux is Dolby Digital and all the music is free...

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