I'm trying to enable realaudio streams on slimserver 6.2 using
AlienBBCv0.99, mplayer 1.0_pre7-r1 and win32codecs installed on a
Gentoo Linux machine. I did a slimserver.pl --d_plugin, along with the
--really-quiet flag turned off in slimserver-convert.conf, and the
output shows me that it's got some issues loading codecs. 

the first error I get looks like this:
opening shared obj '/opt/RealPlayer/codecs/sipr.so.6.0'
Error: /opt/RealPlayer/codecs/sipr.so.6.0: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
opening win32 dll 'sipr.so.6.0'
Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: sipr.so.6.0,
/usr/lib/win32/sipr.so.6.0, /usr/local/lib/win32/sipr.so.6.0

poking around my directories, I see I have
/opt/RealPlayer/codecs/sipr.so, and /usr/local/lib/win32/sipr.so.6.0,
but no sipr.so.6.0 in the /opt dir. I did a symlink of sipr.so.6.0 to
the dir it wanted, but then I get this:

Opening audio decoder: [realaud] RealAudio decoder
opening shared obj '/opt/RealPlayer/codecs/sipr.so.6.0'
Decoder init failed, error code: 0x8004000F
ADecoder preinit failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(

lots of errors past that point too, but want to take it one step at a
time...any ideas out there?

FWIW, the stream I'm trying to play works fine with RealPlayer10 for
linux, but I haven't gotten it to work with mplayer from the

here is the full output from slimserver:
85 audio & 196 video codecs
Resolving a936.v18543.c1854.g.vr.akamaistream.net for AF_INET...
Connecting to server
a936.v18543.c1854.g.vr.akamaistream.net[]:554 ...
Cache size set to 128 KBytes
Connected to server: a936.v18543.c1854.g.vr.akamaistream.net
Cache fill: 18.75% (24576 bytes)    REAL file format detected.
Stream description: Audio Stream
Stream mimetype: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Clip info:
name: Vacations
author: This American Life, 12/8/95
copyright: \uffffChicago Public Radio, Ira Glass and Individual
Opening audio decoder: [realaud] RealAudio decoder
opening shared obj '/opt/RealPlayer/codecs/sipr.so.6.0'
Error: /opt/RealPlayer/codecs/sipr.so.6.0: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
opening win32 dll 'sipr.so.6.0'
Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: sipr.so.6.0,
/usr/lib/win32/sipr.so.6.0, /usr/local/lib/win32/sipr.so.6.0
Error loading dll
ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec sipr.so.6.0.
Read the RealAudio section of the DOCS!
ADecoder preinit failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Opening audio decoder: [realaud] RealAudio decoder
opening win32 dll 'sipr3260.dll'
Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: sipr3260.dll,
/usr/lib/win32/sipr3260.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/sipr3260.dll
Error loading dll
ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec sipr3260.dll.
Read the RealAudio section of the DOCS!
ADecoder preinit failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Opening audio decoder: [realaud] RealAudio decoder
opening shared obj
Error: /opt/RealPlayer/codecs/sipr.bundle/Contents/MacOS/sipr: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
opening win32 dll 'sipr.bundle/Contents/MacOS/sipr'
Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: sipr.bundle/Contents/MacOS/sipr,
Error loading dll
ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec
Read the RealAudio section of the DOCS!
ADecoder preinit failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Cannot find codec for audio format 0x72706973.
Read DOCS/HTML/en/codecs.html!
Audio: no sound
Video: no video

Exiting... (End of file)

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