On Dec 11, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Ricardo Signes wrote:

> I recently got my Advent calendar converted entirely to Pod::Simple where it
> had previously used Pod::Parser.  I needed two features added.
> I sent Allison and David a pull request for the first, this morning.  It 
> allows
> you to say "=head1 becomes <h2>" or "becomes <h3>" and so on, which makes it
> easier to produce an HTML fragment for inclusion in a larger document.
> I am unsure whether the other feature is welcome.  It makes this:
>  =for xhtml <tag>...</tag>
> ...pass the XHTML right through.  This is invaluable for producing my 
> colorized
> code samples.  (I assume it also works as a begin/end block.)
> If it is welcome, I will add it to Pod::Simple::XHTML and issue another pull
> request.  If not, I will release it as a subclass.

Sounds useful. What does the patch look like?



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