On Sun, Oct 04, 2020 at 05:11:35PM +0200, Dmitry Karasik wrote:
> Hello
> Thank you all for review, it is clear that some things I wasn't focused at
> don't fall in as gracefully as I wanted. So it seems that P<> neither serves
> any good as an inline image anchor, nor versatile enough to specity
> accompanying text, and will require further additions to pod that would break
> backward compatibility. 
> Having all of that in mind, I reworked the proposal, and here it's next 
> iteration:
> 1) Full syntax (somewhat YAML-inspired)
> =begin image
> src: file.png
> title: Figure.1
> comment:
>       This is a multi-line
>       comment. Must start end end with newline.
>       Prefix spaces are skipped.
> resolution: 120
> whatever: value
> text:
>       This is fallback text
>       shown where graphics is unavailable
>       but the formatter is smart and knows
>       the =image tag.
> =end image
> 2) Short syntax that should cover 90% of use-cases
> =for image src:file.png

Are spaces ignored between :?  Should there be a separator to simplify
parsing, like

=for image src:file.png, text:something

> I think that covers it all now. What do you think?

It handles well my remarks.  It is quite complicated for pod, but I'll
let true poders (podlers?) comment further.


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