On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 04:35:49PM +0530, Dhawal Doshy wrote:
> Hello List,
> I've been using policyd-weight in warn_if_reject mode for a 
> couple of weeks and intend on doing so for a few more weeks. So 
> far i appear to satisfied with the results.
> I already reject based on sbl-xbl and dsbl at the MTA and do 
> not intend on changing this behavior. Based on some experience 
> and some lookups for listed IP addresses i intend on replacing 
> the default dnsbls with these.
> #    HOST,                    BAD SCORE,  GOOD SCORE,   LOG 
>     'dynablock.njabl.org',    3.25,         -1,        
>     'bl.spamcop.net',         3.75,       -1.5,        
>     'dnsbl.njabl.org',        4.25,       -1.5,        
>     'relays.ordb.org',        3.25,          0,        
>     'psbl.surriel.com',       4.35,          1,        'PSBL',
>     'spam.tqmcube.com',       3.75,          0,        
>     'ko.tqmcube.com',         4.35,          0,        
> );
> Ignore the scores in the above list as that is where i need 
> your assistance. What ought to be the basis for scoring of 
> these RBLs?

Aggressive/Effective RBLs may add a Good score, i.e. -1.5 or similiar

RBLs which are not that effective but have also zero false positives
may have a high BAD score and a 0 GOOD score

RBLs which are not really trustworthy should have a low BAD score and
0 GOOD score.
> Another thing, how does one use multi-lookup rbls? say one 
> composite RBL returning different codes for different listing 
> reasons.

We do not score for listing reasons. If the RBL returns 
127.0.0.[1|2|3|and so on] we count it as one hit and apply the score of 
the RBL. Aynthing else would go too far (we try to keep things as simple as
possible - i.e. less is more).

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

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