Hey Ken!

On Saturday 15 September 2007 17:06, Ken Dail wrote:
> Not sure about the need for trust in DNS lookups, I can't think of
> any reason
> why they would be less trustworthy than any other DNS provider I choose.
> Reliability is higher than provided by many ISPs. The Phishing filter
> can be
> turned off if desired.  I assume they use the statistics to make
> pretty charts,
> and sell the data to different people who want it. There is no secure
> or sensitive
> data transferred in a DNS lookup so I have no reason to care.

If you don't fear until now, have a look at DNSSEC[1] and ask you, why there 
should be a need for "Data integrity" and "Origin authentication of DNS 
data"! Since every ISP/ASP offers own resolvers to his customers, it make 
much sense to use them, since they normaly don't have any interests to 
manipulate the data, if you don't have a complete DNSSEC infrastructure.
The question is, why should opendns offer his service for free! No, the given 
answer(s) on their website doesn't makes me satisfied.

With kind regards, Jan.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSSEC
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