*All,  After watching multiple presentations from Google I/O 2017 on 
Polymer 2, I was struck with an oppositional view of the “adopt the 
platform” mantra that the presenters were espousing.  While reflecting on 
this reaction for a couple of days, I couldn’t help but reminisce of days 
gone buy in this industry.  It feels as though we keep reinventing the same 
wheel, and expecting a different result.  For those of us that have been 
around long enough, we remember the failures of the past, and why they 
failed.  Specifically, I’m thinking of Java Applets, and all the time I 
wasted writing them.  While watching the presentations, I couldn’t help but 
notice the almost constant promotion of ES6 classes, and their use within 
Polymer 2.  I also couldn’t miss the constant assumption that this will be 
the standard, that should be adopted.  The more I thought about these 
annoyances, the more they continued to bother me, and it makes me question 
if our industry will every make any real progress, and move past a single 
set of ideas.  Here are some very basic examples to help highlight my 
point: A Basic Java Applet import java.applet.Applet;import 
java.awt.Graphics;public class HelloWorld extends Applet {    public void 
paint(Graphics g) {        g.drawString("Hello world!", 50, 25); 
   }}<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> A Simple Program </TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Here is the 
output of my program:<APPLET CODE="HelloWorld.class" WIDTH=150 
HEIGHT=25></APPLET></BODY></HTML>  A Basic Polymer 2 Component <link 
 // Define the class for a new element called custom-element  class 
CustomElement extends Polymer.Element {    static get is() { return 
"custom-element"; }    constructor() {        super(); 
       this.textContent = "I'm a custom-element.";      }  }  // Register 
the new element with the browser  customElements.define(CustomElement.is, 
CustomElement);</script> <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">  <head>    <script 
   <link rel="import" href="custom-element.html">  </head>  <body> 
   <custom-element></custom-element>  </body></html>  These feel eerily 
similar to each other don’t they?  I can’t help but think that a certain 
style off code, primarily a certain form of OOPs is once again being forced 
on the developer.  Each time the presenters proudly proclaimed we use ES6 
classes with inheritance and everything;  I couldn’t help but cringe, then 
follow it with a little chuckle.  I mean really, we were doing this two 
decades ago.  With the ever increasing awareness of functional programming 
styles and their benefits, it’s a little frustrating to feel like the 
“platform” is forcing or promoting one style without an obvious open door 
to other styles.  A monolithic conceptual paradigm will certainly result in 
a false barrier to innovation, and will force the creation of even more 
abstractions over the “platform”.   This just makes me want to stay as far 
away from Polymer and web components as I can, which I know isn’t the 
intention, but is the side effect of the message that was being presented. 
 I’m certain that I’m not alone in the assumptions that I’ve made, and that 
negative feelings that were inadvertently created as a result of these 
presentations.   I’m sure that I’ve missed many of the finer details, and 
I’m probably wrong on all accounts;  However,  I would love to learn how 
the Polymer team, and the standards committees are planning to 
interoperate, and even accommodate some of the ideas from Purescript, Elm, 
ClojureScript, and others.  At the end of the day it’s still all just some 
form of JS, but I’m fearful that the tech community will continue to 
recreate Java over and over again without regard to other advancements and 
ideas.   Many Thanks!-- Nick*

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