needed for FRRouting. OK to import?

libyang is a YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written
(and providing API) in C. The library is used e.g. in libnetconf2,
Netopeer2, sysrepo and FRRouting projects.

- Parsing (and validating) schemas in YANG format.
- Parsing (and validating) schemas in YIN format.
- Parsing, validating and printing instance data in XML format.
- Parsing, validating and printing instance data in JSON format (RFC 7951).
- Manipulation with the instance data.
- Support for default values in the instance data (RFC 6243).
- Support for YANG extensions.
- Support for YANG Metadata (RFC 7952).
- yanglint - feature-rich YANG tool.

Current implementation covers YANG 1.0 (RFC 6020) as well as YANG 1.1 (RFC 

Attachment: libyang.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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