
Took some time to overhaul this and I have a middle-ground proposition:
Build on all arches, not just MONO_ARCHS, but only on MONO_ARCHS build
with mono bits and only there install the -sharp subpackage.

Tested the build and packaging for both scenarios on my amd64 (by
tweaking the IS_MONO_ARCH test if you want to know).

This seems to be a bit unconventional use of bsd.port.arch.mk, let me
know if I'm overlooking something.

Smaller adjustments with comments inline and then the updated diff...

On Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 07:04:29PM +0200, Omar Polo wrote:


> Would be too hard to turn this into a flavor?  Then in the future we
> might eventually also move -tools to a flavor, and build a set of
> packages:
>       godot           (this would be the current -main)
>       godot-tools     (this would be the current -tools)
>       godot-mono
>       godot-mono-tools
> just an idea.  I'm fine with your current diff as is if it simplify
> future work, we can iterate in-tree :)

Now the packages would look like this:



> >  post-extract:
> > +   @# install backends from FILESDIR
> first time i'm seeing @ added in front of a comment ^^"
> I know (at least) Emacs syntax highlighting complains, but just
> # ... should be enough.

I removed the @ in my updated diff; wouldn't want to get emacs angry...
The reason for the @ was that the comment is only there to make it
easier for anyone working with the Makefile to understand the steps.

> > +-                file_found = find_file_in_dir(hint_dir, mono_lib_names, 
> > prefixes=["lib"], extensions=[sharedlib_ext])
> > ++                file_found = find_file_in_dir(hint_dir, mono_lib_names, 
> > prefixes=["lib"], extensions=[sharedlib_ext], suffix=[".1.0"])
> hardcoding the shlib version like this is ugly :(
> I don't have a better suggestion though.  We could at least avoid the
> hardcoding by using a glob(3) and picking the highest numbered one.
> Still ugly, but at least without the hardcoding.

The diff includes a mechanism with make(1) != to achieve this now (see

> > +           String data_mono_root_dir = data_dir_root.plus_file("Mono");
> > +           data_mono_etc_dir = data_mono_root_dir.plus_file("etc");
> > ++          */
> using #if 0 may be more robust if in an update upstreams adds a
> /*comment*/ inbetween.

Makes sense, I added this to the diff.

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/godot/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -u -p -r1.49 Makefile
--- Makefile    14 Aug 2023 12:40:50 -0000      1.49
+++ Makefile    23 Sep 2023 17:30:44 -0000
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ BROKEN-powerpc =      fails at runtime, the U
 COMMENT-main = 2D and 3D game engine
 COMMENT-tools= 2D and 3D game engine (with tools)
+COMMENT-sharp =                glue for mono/C# module of Godot
 V =            3.5.2
 DISTNAME =     godot-${V}-stable
 PKGNAME =      godot-${V}
-REVISION =     5
+REVISION =     6
 CATEGORIES =   games
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ MAINTAINER =  Omar Polo <o...@openbsd.org>
 # MIT
-MULTI_PACKAGES =       -main -tools
+MULTI_PACKAGES =       -main -tools -sharp
 WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} BulletCollision BulletDynamics BulletSoftBody
 WANTLIB += GL LinearMath X11 X11-xcb Xau Xcursor Xdmcp Xext Xfixes
@@ -35,16 +35,18 @@ WANTLIB-tools =     ${WANTLIB}
 COMPILER =     base-clang ports-gcc
 MASTER_SITES = https://downloads.tuxfamily.org/godotengine/${V}/
-MASTER_SITES0 =        
-               ${GODOTSTEAM_V}.tar.gz:0
 EXTRACT_SUFX = .tar.xz
+SITES.sharp =          https://thfr.info/distfiles/
+DISTFILES.sharp =      godot-${V}-mono-glue.tar.gz 
+DIST_TUPLE +=  github CoaguCo-Industries GodotSteam v3.20 godotsteam # MIT
 MODULES =      devel/scons
-# Building with module_mono_enabled requires msbuild and to fix the
-# sharedlib_ext in modules/mono/config.py to '.so.1.0'
 MODSCONS_FLAGS =       CC="${CC}" \
                        CXX="${CXX}" \
                        CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
@@ -93,15 +95,57 @@ LIB_DEPENDS =               archivers/zstd \
                        multimedia/libvpx \
                        net/enet \
 RUN_DEPENDS-tools =    devel/desktop-file-utils
-NO_TEST =              Yes
 DPB_PROPERTIES =       parallel
 .include <bsd.port.arch.mk>
+.for _arch in ${MONO_ARCHS}
+.  if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == ${_arch}
+.  endif
+.if !empty(IS_MONO_ARCH)
+USE_WXNEEDED =         Yes
+USE_NOBTCFI =          Yes
+MONOSGEN !=            /bin/ls -1 /usr/local/lib/libmonosgen*.so.* | tail -1
+MONOSGEN_V =           ${MONOSGEN:C/.*\.so//}
+PORTHOME =             ${WRKDIR}/nugethome
+# mono-native is dlopened when using the mono/C#/godot-sharp parts
+WANTLIB-main +=                mono-native
+WANTLIB-tools +=       mono-native
+# needed by files in share/godot/GodotSharp/Mono/lib/
+WANTLIB-sharp =                execinfo m pthread z
+MODSCONS_FLAGS +=      module_mono_enabled=yes \
+                       mono_prefix=${LOCALBASE} \
+                       mono_static=yes
+BUILD_DEPENDS +=       devel/msbuild
+LIB_DEPENDS +=         lang/mono
+LIB_DEPENDS-sharp =
+RUN_DEPENDS-sharp =
+RUN_DEPENDS-main =     games/godot,-sharp
+RUN_DEPENDS-tools +=   devel/msbuild \
+                       games/godot,-sharp
+GLUEDIR =      ${WRKDIR}/godot-${V}-mono-glue
+MONOSUFFIX =   .mono
+SHARP_POST_EXTRACT =   mkdir -p        ${PORTHOME}/.nuget; \
+       mv      ${WRKDIR}/godot-${V}-nuget-packages 
${PORTHOME}/.nuget/packages; \
+       mv      ${GLUEDIR}/mono_glue.gen.cpp ${WRKSRC}/modules/mono/glue/; \
+       mv      ${GLUEDIR}/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Generated \
+               ${WRKSRC}/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/; \
+       mv      ${GLUEDIR}/GodotSharp/GodotSharpEditor/Generated \
+               ${WRKSRC}/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharpEditor/
+SHARP_DO_INSTALL =     ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/godot; \
+       cp -R   ${WRKBUILD}/bin/GodotSharp ${PREFIX}/share/godot/
 .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "riscv64"
 BINSUFFIX =            rv64
 .elif ${PROPERTIES:Mlp64}
@@ -115,31 +159,43 @@ LDFLAGS +=     -latomic
 WANTLIB +=     atomic
+NO_TEST =              Yes
 CFLAGS +=      -I${LOCALBASE}/include/goldberg_emulator
+CXXFLAGS +=    -I${LOCALBASE}/include/goldberg_emulator
-# copy over to allow patching GodotSteam
        cp -R   ${FILESDIR}/sndio ${WRKDIST}/drivers
        cp      ${FILESDIR}/ujoy/joypad_openbsd.{cpp,h} \
-       mv      ${WRKDIR}/GodotSteam-${GODOTSTEAM_V:S/v//} ${WRKSRC}/godotsteam
        ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/misc/dist/linux/*.desktop
+       ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
+       ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/modules/mono/build_scripts/mono_configure.py
+       # Export Template build
        @${MODSCONS_BUILD_TARGET} tools=no  target=release \
                CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-register 
                LINKFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -lintl -lmpcdec -lusbhid -lXss"
+       # Editor build
        @${MODSCONS_BUILD_TARGET} tools=yes target=release_debug \
                CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-register" \
                LINKFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -lintl -lmpcdec -lusbhid"
-       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/bin/godot.x11.opt.${BINSUFFIX} \
+       # Export Template files
+       @${INSTALL_PROGRAM} 
${WRKBUILD}/bin/godot.x11.opt.${BINSUFFIX}${MONOSUFFIX} \
-       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/bin/godot.x11.opt.tools.${BINSUFFIX} \
+       # Editor files
${WRKBUILD}/bin/godot.x11.opt.tools.${BINSUFFIX}${MONOSUFFIX} \
+       # GodotSharp files if built
+       # Rest: man pages, icons, desktop integration
        ${INSTALL_MAN_DIR} ${PREFIX}/man/man6
        ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/misc/dist/linux/godot.6 \
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/godot/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -p -r1.20 distinfo
--- distinfo    11 Aug 2023 12:36:10 -0000      1.20
+++ distinfo    23 Sep 2023 17:30:44 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+SHA256 (godot-3.5.2/CoaguCo-Industries-GodotSteam-v3.20.tar.gz) = 
+SHA256 (godot-3.5.2/godot-3.5.2-mono-glue.tar.gz) = 
+SHA256 (godot-3.5.2/godot-3.5.2-nuget-packages.tar.xz) = 
 SHA256 (godot-3.5.2/godot-3.5.2-stable.tar.xz) = 
-SHA256 (godot-3.5.2/v3.20.tar.gz) = 
+SIZE (godot-3.5.2/CoaguCo-Industries-GodotSteam-v3.20.tar.gz) = 253832
+SIZE (godot-3.5.2/godot-3.5.2-mono-glue.tar.gz) = 1094618
+SIZE (godot-3.5.2/godot-3.5.2-nuget-packages.tar.xz) = 55742184
 SIZE (godot-3.5.2/godot-3.5.2-stable.tar.xz) = 24047432
-SIZE (godot-3.5.2/v3.20.tar.gz) = 253832
Index: patches/patch-modules_mono_build_scripts_mono_configure_py
RCS file: patches/patch-modules_mono_build_scripts_mono_configure_py
diff -N patches/patch-modules_mono_build_scripts_mono_configure_py
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-modules_mono_build_scripts_mono_configure_py  23 Sep 2023 
17:30:44 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+include a suffix argument for find_file_in_dir
+use MONOSGEN_V for lib suffix
+disable librt/libdl
+Index: modules/mono/build_scripts/mono_configure.py
+--- modules/mono/build_scripts/mono_configure.py.orig
++++ modules/mono/build_scripts/mono_configure.py
+@@ -31,15 +31,16 @@ def find_name_in_dir_files(directory, names, prefixes=
+     return ""
+-def find_file_in_dir(directory, names, prefixes=[""], extensions=[""]):
+-    for extension in extensions:
+-        if extension and not extension.startswith("."):
+-            extension = "." + extension
+-        for prefix in prefixes:
+-            for curname in names:
+-                filename = prefix + curname + extension
+-                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, filename)):
+-                    return filename
++def find_file_in_dir(directory, names, prefixes=[""], extensions=[""], 
++    for sufx in suffix:
++        for extension in extensions:
++            if extension and not extension.startswith("."):
++                extension = "." + extension
++            for prefix in prefixes:
++                for curname in names:
++                    filename = prefix + curname + extension + sufx
++                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, filename)):
++                        return filename
+     return ""
+@@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ def configure(env, env_mono):
+             elif is_javascript:
+                 env.Append(LIBS=["m", "rt", "dl", "pthread"])
+             else:
+-                env.Append(LIBS=["m", "rt", "dl", "pthread"])
++                env.Append(LIBS=["m", "pthread"])
+             if not mono_static:
+                 mono_so_file = find_file_in_dir(
+@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ def configure(env, env_mono):
+             tmpenv.ParseConfig("pkg-config monosgen-2 --libs-only-L")
+             for hint_dir in tmpenv["LIBPATH"]:
+-                file_found = find_file_in_dir(hint_dir, mono_lib_names, 
prefixes=["lib"], extensions=[sharedlib_ext])
++                file_found = find_file_in_dir(hint_dir, mono_lib_names, 
prefixes=["lib"], extensions=[sharedlib_ext], suffix=["${MONOSGEN_V}"])
+                 if file_found:
+                     mono_lib_path = hint_dir
+                     mono_so_file = file_found
Index: patches/patch-modules_mono_csharp_script_cpp
RCS file: patches/patch-modules_mono_csharp_script_cpp
diff -N patches/patch-modules_mono_csharp_script_cpp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-modules_mono_csharp_script_cpp        23 Sep 2023 17:30:44 
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+fix error: cannot initialize return object of type 'bool' with
+an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'
+Index: modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
+--- modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp.orig
++++ modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
+@@ -2310,7 +2310,7 @@ bool CSharpScript::_update_exports(PlaceHolderScriptIn
+                       GDMonoMethod *ctor = 
script_class->get_method(CACHED_STRING_NAME(dotctor), 0);
+-                      ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(ctor, NULL,
++                      ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(ctor, false,
+                                       "Cannot construct temporary MonoObject 
because the class does not define a parameterless constructor: '" + get_path() 
+ "'.");
+                       MonoException *ctor_exc = NULL;
+@@ -2891,10 +2891,10 @@ bool CSharpScript::can_instance() const {
+       if (extra_cond && !script_class) {
+               if (GDMono::get_singleton()->get_project_assembly() == NULL) {
+                       // The project assembly is not loaded
+-                      ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(NULL, "Cannot instance script because 
the project assembly is not loaded. Script: '" + get_path() + "'.");
++                      ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Cannot instance script because 
the project assembly is not loaded. Script: '" + get_path() + "'.");
+               } else {
+                       // The project assembly is loaded, but the class could 
not found
+-                      ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(NULL, "Cannot instance script because 
the class '" + name + "' could not be found. Script: '" + get_path() + "'.");
++                      ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Cannot instance script because 
the class '" + name + "' could not be found. Script: '" + get_path() + "'.");
+               }
+       }
Index: patches/patch-modules_mono_glue_GodotSharp_GodotSharp_GodotSharp_csproj
RCS file: 
diff -N patches/patch-modules_mono_glue_GodotSharp_GodotSharp_GodotSharp_csproj
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-modules_mono_glue_GodotSharp_GodotSharp_GodotSharp_csproj     
23 Sep 2023 17:30:44 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+needs LangVersion 7.1 for 'default literal'; otherwise error CS8107
+Index: modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/GodotSharp.csproj
+--- modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/GodotSharp.csproj.orig
++++ modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/GodotSharp.csproj
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+     <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>
+     <DocumentationFile>$(OutputPath)/$(AssemblyName).xml</DocumentationFile>
+     <EnableDefaultItems>false</EnableDefaultItems>
++    <LangVersion>7.1</LangVersion>
+   </PropertyGroup>
+   <PropertyGroup>
+     <DefineConstants>$(DefineConstants);GODOT</DefineConstants>
Index: patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_cpp
RCS file: patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_cpp
diff -N patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_cpp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_cpp      23 Sep 2023 17:30:44 
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+fix paths for our mono and godot install dirs
+make data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir() available also when !TOOLS_ENABLED
+Index: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
+--- modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp.orig
++++ modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
+@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ class _GodotSharpDirs { (public)
+       String res_temp_assemblies_dir;
+       String mono_user_dir;
+       String mono_logs_dir;
++      String data_editor_tools_dir;
++      String data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir;
+       String mono_solutions_dir;
+@@ -106,8 +108,6 @@ class _GodotSharpDirs { (public)
+       String sln_filepath;
+       String csproj_filepath;
+-      String data_editor_tools_dir;
+-      String data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir;
+ #else
+       // Equivalent of res_assemblies_dir, but in the data directory rather 
than in 'res://'.
+       // Only defined on export templates. Used when exporting assemblies 
outside of PCKs.
+@@ -177,20 +177,20 @@ class _GodotSharpDirs { (public)
+ #endif
+               String exe_dir = 
++              String share_dir = "${LOCALBASE}/share/godot";
+-              String data_dir_root = exe_dir.plus_file("GodotSharp");
++              String data_dir_root = share_dir.plus_file("GodotSharp");
+               data_editor_tools_dir = data_dir_root.plus_file("Tools");
+               data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir = data_dir_root.plus_file("Api");
+               String data_mono_root_dir = data_dir_root.plus_file("Mono");
+-              data_mono_etc_dir = data_mono_root_dir.plus_file("etc");
++              data_mono_etc_dir = "${SYSCONFDIR}";
+               data_mono_lib_dir = 
+ #else
+-              data_mono_lib_dir = data_mono_root_dir.plus_file("lib");
++              data_mono_lib_dir = "${LOCALBASE}/lib";
+ #endif
+@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ class _GodotSharpDirs { (public)
+ #else
++#if 0
+               String appname = 
+               String appname_safe = 
+               String data_dir_root = exe_dir.plus_file("data_" + 
+@@ -223,11 +224,12 @@ class _GodotSharpDirs { (public)
+               String data_mono_root_dir = data_dir_root.plus_file("Mono");
+               data_mono_etc_dir = data_mono_root_dir.plus_file("etc");
+               data_mono_lib_dir = 
+ #else
+-              data_mono_lib_dir = data_mono_root_dir.plus_file("lib");
++              data_mono_lib_dir = "${LOCALBASE}/lib";
+               data_game_assemblies_dir = 
+ #endif
+@@ -299,6 +301,10 @@ String get_mono_logs_dir() {
+       return _GodotSharpDirs::get_singleton().mono_logs_dir;
+ }
++String get_data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir() {
++      return _GodotSharpDirs::get_singleton().data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir;
+ String get_mono_solutions_dir() {
+       return _GodotSharpDirs::get_singleton().mono_solutions_dir;
+@@ -324,9 +330,6 @@ String get_data_editor_tools_dir() {
+       return _GodotSharpDirs::get_singleton().data_editor_tools_dir;
+ }
+-String get_data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir() {
+-      return _GodotSharpDirs::get_singleton().data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir;
+ #else
+ String get_data_game_assemblies_dir() {
+       return _GodotSharpDirs::get_singleton().data_game_assemblies_dir;
Index: patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_h
RCS file: patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_h
diff -N patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_h
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-modules_mono_godotsharp_dirs_h        23 Sep 2023 17:30:44 
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+make get_data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir() available for !TOOLS_ENABLED
+Index: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.h
+--- modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.h.orig
++++ modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.h
+@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ String get_res_temp_assemblies_dir();
+ String get_mono_user_dir();
+ String get_mono_logs_dir();
++String get_data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir();
+ String get_mono_solutions_dir();
+ String get_build_logs_dir();
+@@ -56,7 +58,6 @@ String get_project_sln_path();
+ String get_project_csproj_path();
+ String get_data_editor_tools_dir();
+-String get_data_editor_prebuilt_api_dir();
+ #else
+ String get_data_game_assemblies_dir();
+ #endif
Index: patches/patch-modules_mono_mono_gd_gd_mono_cpp
RCS file: patches/patch-modules_mono_mono_gd_gd_mono_cpp
diff -N patches/patch-modules_mono_mono_gd_gd_mono_cpp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-modules_mono_mono_gd_gd_mono_cpp      23 Sep 2023 17:30:44 
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+for _load_core_api_assembly, use the same load_assembly_from() approach for
+Index: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
+--- modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp.orig
++++ modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
+@@ -830,7 +830,13 @@ bool GDMono::_load_core_api_assembly(LoadedApiAssembly
+       bool success = FileAccess::exists(assembly_path) &&
+                       load_assembly_from(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME, 
assembly_path, &r_loaded_api_assembly.assembly, p_refonly);
+ #else
+-      bool success = load_assembly(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME, 
&r_loaded_api_assembly.assembly, p_refonly);
++      // non-editor builds don't have Main namespace
++      String assembly_dir = 
++      String assembly_path = assembly_dir.plus_file(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME 
++      bool success = FileAccess::exists(assembly_path) &&
++                      load_assembly_from(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME, 
assembly_path, &r_loaded_api_assembly.assembly, p_refonly);
+ #endif
+       if (success) {
Index: pkg/DESCR-sharp
RCS file: pkg/DESCR-sharp
diff -N pkg/DESCR-sharp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ pkg/DESCR-sharp     23 Sep 2023 17:30:45 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+C# glue for using Godot with mono/C#
Index: pkg/PLIST-sharp
RCS file: pkg/PLIST-sharp
diff -N pkg/PLIST-sharp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ pkg/PLIST-sharp     23 Sep 2023 17:30:45 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+@so share/godot/GodotSharp/Mono/lib/libMonoPosixHelper.so
+@so share/godot/GodotSharp/Mono/lib/libMonoSupportW.so
+@so share/godot/GodotSharp/Mono/lib/libmono-btls-shared.so
Index: pkg/README-tools
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/godot/pkg/README-tools,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 README-tools
--- pkg/README-tools    28 Apr 2022 22:18:01 -0000      1.1
+++ pkg/README-tools    23 Sep 2023 17:30:45 -0000
@@ -2,6 +2,18 @@
 | Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD
+Using MSBuild/C#/Mono
+MSBuild is used by Godot to compile the assemblies for C# projects. In order
+for it to run without error, you need to remove the following line from
+If the file doesn't exist, it hasn't been installed yet. You may need to run a
+build with MSBuild in Godot first before the file is created.

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