On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 08:20:06PM +0100, tlaro...@polynum.com wrote:
> It's here:
> http://www.kergis.com/en/kertex.html


I'm currently maintaining TeX Live for OpenBSD and I am glad to see that
someone is concerned about the size of a TeX distribution. I am actually
quite open to investigating kertex, but I have concerns.

The fact that TeX Live is comprehensive (license permitting) is both
it's greatest strength and it's greatest weakness.

On one hand, many of our software packages depend upon all manner of
obscure tex packages and because TeX Live contains most of this stuff, I
don't have to put extra effort into tracking these down. Also I don't
have to worry (too much) about which versions of tex packages go with
which, as the texlive guys do that for us.

On the other hand, TeX Live is huge, mapping tex packages to openbsd
packages is difficult, and the hashing, font generation, pool files etc.
do not sit well with our package infrastructure.

So my questions are:

1) How does one add extra TeX packages to kertex?
2) Does libkpse work the same as with TeX Live?
3) What about luatex, xetex, xindy, asymptote....


Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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