update to fhem-5.3

mcmer-open...@tor.at (MERIGHI Marcus), 2011.06.22 (Wed) 22:07 (CEST):
> house automation server written in perl
> http://fhem.de/
> pkg/DESCR
> Server for house automation written in perl. Supports ELV FS20, 
> ELV FHZ 1000 *, ELV EM 10x0-*, some Allnet devices, and, via busware.de 
> CUL and CUN devices, a lot more. Some weather sensors are supported as
> well. It reads sensors and sends commands to actors and can be 
> configured to run automated tasks on events. Can be controlled via cli 
> (netcat/telnet, fhem.pl) and web interfaces (which are not included).
> looking forward to comments on my first port!

Attachment: fhem.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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