On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 15:52:40 +0300
Paul Irofti <p...@irofti.net> wrote:

> Here's a first revision of ntfs-3g. Read write works for me (tm).
> There are a plethora of things you'll need to do before being able to
> use it thought. Here goes:
> 1. In /usr/src/sys/conf/GENERIC add
>       option FUSE
>       pseduo-device fuse 10
> 2. Build a new kernel and boot with it.
> 3. In /usr/src/lib/libfuse:
>       - patch with:
>       http://www.pmbsd.org/patch-default-values 
>       http://www.pmbsd.org/patch-fuse-get-context
>       http://www.pmbsd.org/patch-fuse-version
>       - run make depend && make includes && make && make install
> 4. Build and install the port
> 5. # ntfs-3g /dev/sdXi /mnt
> 6. ...
> 7. Profit!
> Now the patches for libfuse should go in pretty soon.
> The kernel enabling bits, I don't know when.
> There are probably a lot of bugs that will destroy your ntfs
> disk/partition/data. So don't come running back in tears.
> Test reports, patches and constructive comments welcomed!
> Thanks to syl@ for making all of this possible!

When i removed e2fs-uuid from WANTLIB then only the port compiles. The problem 
is that WANTLIB is checked first before the pre-configure line executes... Is 
this deliberately not included in the package builds because it is new?


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