Don waxes enthusiastic:
> I forgot to mention the upcoming debut album from Damnations TX, Half Mad
> Moon.  Few acts blend rock and twang as effectively as these folks -- 
> they're equally adept at crunchy pop-rock gems and soulful acoustic twang.
> Most of all, I just love their gorgeous sisterly harmonizing.--don

Well this one I've heard too, and I agree, it's a dang good one.  
They're really kind of unique and have this odd generic breadth Don 
mentions--going from catchy pop-rock type things to beautiful 
acoustic stuff to downright hillybillyesque.  I'm still trying 
to figure out the lyrical point of that song about Kansas though <g>.
Is one of them from here??

Anyhow, yep, a real real fine album.  


PS.  And live they can pull out a mean "X" cover just when you think 
you're in twangsville <g>.

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