
Knoxville News-Sentinel

Prairie Home Companion seeks small town talent

"A Prairie Home Companion" seeks contestants in its "Talent from Towns Under
2,000" contest, to be broadcast live on April 17.

The contest is open to performers from rural areas and towns with fewer than
2,000 residents.

The winner of the contest receives the "coveted" Silver Water Tower Trophy
and a monetary prize.

Performers can send a CD or audiocassette with a three-minute sample of
their best performance to "T-TUTT" at 45 E. Seventh St., St. Paul, MN 55101.

Entrants can also call 651-290-1172 and leave a three-minute performance on
the T-TUTT answering machine.

The contest will not accept videocassettes.

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Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

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