> How much did they ever wanna do anything else?  The irony here is that if
> there had been a P2 back then, some folks on the list would have been
> pointing to the same thing in relation to Anderson.  Not that he's wrong,
> mind you, but I'll bet that he'd argue that there's a difference between,
> say, Owen Bradley or Chet Atkins and Pat Quigley, and I suspect that not
> everyone would agree that there is.
> Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://home.fuse.net/jonweisberger/
First of all, who's Pat Quigley? Second, there was something in that big
bad Carlin book of country music, in which he stated that Atkins has been
apologetic about his 60s pop production, averring that it was a
desperate and deliberate
strategy to save the industry from ruin, as opposed to a valid artistic
statement. Is that a case of Carlin putting motives into Chet's mouth that
aren't backed up by fact? I guessed as  much reading the thing, even
though I chair the Run Chet Out of Town Club <g>. -- Terry Smith

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