Am 31.03.2014 02:07, schrieb cybermass:
> 587 is dedicated for submission but is it any different if I have
> configured smtps to be port 8809 and just have the clients use that port
> with STARTTLS instead of 587?

technically you can use whatever port but why not
use standars and make users life difficult?

BTW: don't talk about SMTPS and STARTTLS in conext
of the same port especially if you instrcut your
users because that leads to non-working configs

>> Am 31.03.2014 01:54, schrieb cybermass:
>>> Interesting, that is something I never even thought of
>> why should a server hosting relay a to him
>> submitted message from [hidden 
>> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=66502&i=0>to [hidden
>> email] <http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=66502&i=1>
>> trough a foreign server?

your node.js application breaks quotes!

>> what should that foreign server do with that message
>> other than bounce it back again to the origin which
>> is the MX or throw it way if there is no MX reachable
>> from outside?
>>> Yes the clients are configured to only go through our custom
>>> smtps port since some ISP's block outgoing 25 and even 465.
>> 587 is dedicated for mail-submission
>>> These clients just need to have only one account in their
>>> mail client I understand. Is there any other configuration
>>> I would need to do on the server side?
>> for the case above - no, mail from one gmail user to another
>> gamil user is not routed trough hotmail and that behavior is
>> logical and as expected

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