I was using POPFile which is an extremely robust filtering system, but it
does take a bit of technical knowledge to set it up.  I found a great OS
resource page at http://www.artz-net.de/popfile/  POPFile is free. And runs
in the background as a system service via Perl.

I am actually back to Entourage for the moment (need everything in one place
to sync to Palm) and am using SpamSieve which works via an AppleScript
action which I imagine would be easy to modify for PowerMail.  You can find
the app at http://www.c-command.com/.  It's $20.  I have found so far that
the filtering is not as strong (at least in the first couple of days) as
POPFile but still very good.

I am a licensed user of SpamFire as well and I was tired of double checking
my mail, clearing certain people and scoring things.  SpamSieve runs with
less overhead, both system and mental.

"I stopped for breakfast at the International House of Pan-
cakes. As soon as you walk into the restaurant you catch
the distinct, worldwide feel of the place. I was completely
baffled by the complex menu. So I just had the flapjack du
jour and the syrup steward helped me select a dry maple that
was busy but not precocious." -Dennis Miller

On 5/16/03 1:51 PM, "George Henne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been using SpamFire for the past year, but it just doesn't seem to
> be getting any better. Today was the last straw: it hung my system while
> PowerMail was loading some messages. The PM database need to be rebuilt,
> shutting me down for 4 hours. I get 2-4 hangs a day from SF, 1 of which
> will take the system down. I'm running OS 9.2.2 on a QuickSilver G4.
> What are other PowerMail users using for spam filtering?
> (...and wouldn't it be nice if PM could do this?)

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