
I apologize for asking some very basic questions, but I'm new to Apple and am looking for a better e-mail client. (I used The Bat! on Windows.) I stumbled across some references to PowerMail, but have a few questions before I would consider buying it. Probably the best way to ask is to compare to features in AppleMail that either I want to maintain or are lacking:

1. I do want to keep separate in/out/sent boxes for each account. (I have four and my wife has two.) Does PowerMail have that feature?

2. I want to set at what point lines wrap, something I cannot get AppleMail to do. In part I don't like lines runing all the way across my screen, but I also intend to use GPG, and need a fixed wrap point.

3. I like to thread certain mailboxes, but with AppleMail, when I open the "parent" e-mail, it opens all messages in the thread, a real pain if there are a lot of responses.

4. How good is its anti-spam capability?

Thanks for any assistance veteran users can give me.


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