On 16 Mar 2010, at 10:59pm, CTM info wrote:

> I would like to mention that, although we have some structural technical
> limitations in PowerMail that preclude us from fulfilling several of the
> wishes expressed on this list, we are nevertheless still maintaining
> PowerMail for one, and also enhancing it insofar as its major
> differentiator, e-mail message searching, is concerned

Hm. I _think_ I understand that to mean "we can't do anything about IMAP 
support or database format, and won't be adding any new features except 
search-related ones". Or have I misunderstood?

> PowerMail is in its 15th continuous year and to many there is nothing
> quite like it, even if to some it means using an iPhone, iPad or even
> Apple Mail on the side for instance for multi-account IMAP notifications....

I think a lot of us have hung on for a long time waiting for certain 
improvements, and now can't really wait any longer. In my case, I reluctantly 
moved over to Apple Mail just this week, after 9 years with PowerMail, mainly 
due to IMAP issues. There are plenty of things I don't like about Mail, and 
which PM does better, and I don't like being so dependent on Apple software 
either, but even PM isn't so irreplaceable that I want to run two email clients 
in tandem.

I'll certainly keep watching this list to see if PM is updated to a point where 
I can return to it, and I'd be _very_ happy were that to happen!


PowerMail 6.0.3 (build 4609) | OS X 10.6.2 | MacBook Pro/2.4GHz | 4 GB RAM      

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