
I wrote:
 I just tried to install PM 6.0.4 and now, I've got a serious problem...

Hoping that someday this message will arrive on the list along with my previous post (quoted above)...

Meanwhile, after installing 6.0.4 again and fiddling with file permissions I get
the following message (translated from German) when I try to start PowerMail:

"An error occured
Insufficient permission. Please check the permissions of the Database and Attachment directory."

This is the content of my "PowerMail Files" directory:
drwxr-xr-x@   16 tob  tob          544  1 Apr 23:10 .
drwx------@   17 tob  tob          578  1 Apr 23:08 ..
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob        12292  1 Apr 23:10 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob           12 31 Mär 11:58 .PMLock
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob       753664 30 Mär 19:25 Address Database
drwxr-xr-x  1081 tob  tob        36754 30 Mär 19:25 Attachments
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob            0  3 Nov  2007 Custom Dictionary
drwxr-xr-x@    3 tob  tob          102 30 Jan 20:03 Custom Scripts
drwxr-xr-x@    2 tob  tob           68  3 Nov  2007 Custom Sounds
drwxr-xr-x     2 tob  tob           68  3 Nov  2007 IMAP Cache
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob    172337082 30 Mär 19:25 Message Database
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob       163840 30 Mär 19:25 Server-side Database
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob       360448 30 Mär 19:27 Setup Database
drwxr-xr-x     2 tob  tob           68 30 Mär 19:24 Temp Incoming
drwxr-xr-x     2 tob  tob           68 30 Mär 19:22 Temp Outgoing
-rw-r--r--@    1 tob  tob            0 30 Mär 19:25 User Prefs

I created a new Mac OS X user account to run PowerMail without any data or preferences... and there, PowerMail starts without any problems.

So I compared the file permissions there with those above -- they are the same, except that the group is set to "staff" instead of "tob".
I changed that on the problematic account. Still, no luck.

Oh, and btw, I did run "repair permissions". But as I expected, it didn't help.

And now, I've run out of ideas...

Kind regards,
Tobias Jung

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