Hello there folks,

Things have been slow at my job lately. Some people I have communicated with already (even here on this list) know recently - that I literally didn't have anything to do at work lately. There hasn't been any New Projects for me in Weeks now. And, I hadn't even dealt with any client problems in a while. I should have "read the writing on the walls".

My boss tells me that HIS Boss told him that he MUST make cutbacks to save money. And, since the older Aims clients have been so slow lately and giving us no new projects - and I'm the main Aims Only support guy - then I was the one they decided to let go.

So - if anyone knows of anything - I would really appreciate it. Of course, my main skill is really VFP - no serious experience in any other Tech areas (although I have dabbled in some Javascript, Perl & HTML in the past). My other background, which is very different from VFP - is doing 3D CG (I work with 3DS Max) - and I've done training (a corp. training gig for several Landscape Arch's) and teaching (1.5 yrs at Pratt & 8 yrs. at Fashion Inst. of Tech.). But, I suspect that probably nobody in this group has connections within the realm of 3D CG.

A little while ago a link was posted here - about guy who was looking for FoxPro consultants - and he actually had a Video up on YouTube. I was just looking for that posting - but, so far could not find it. Was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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