I am sorry for all the half-posts and email I have sent today... my macro
keys are somehow reset and I've got to not press F9 because it [sends]..
instead of giving me parenthesis.

So, can I wifi a SurfacePro2 to the local host on an office computer?

I would install XAMP and have it running and of course have a wireless
router also.

That way, I can develop it locally and then later, move it to a real cloud. 

Last year I took a community college on-line course and they set up a folder
on a flash-drive to act as a server-host. XAMP running will do PHP files and
MySQL. I was using the NetBeans program and now I switching to MYSQL

Gary Jeurink

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Roche [mailto:tedro...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 12:18 PM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: I Need a geek

On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 1:13 PM, Gary Jeurink <g.jeur...@charter.net> wrote:

> If I installed XAMP on our office computer and make my cloud on the local
> host along with a router with wifi.

Don't make a "cloud," install a web server. Clouds are different things.

"It's whatever we're selling this week." -- Sales rep in the 80's asked to
explain what "client-server" was.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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