That's conventional wisdom... which is almost always wrong.  Sorry to say.

When the foreigners stop buying our paper, our addiction to deficit spending 
will have to come to an end... unless we just print money.  If we do that, all 
we'll get is inflation and even if the DOW hits 50,000, the money made will not 
represent much of an increase.

Some certificates look interesting, maybe you can paper your walls with them.

Larry Miller

----- Original Message -----
From: Leland F. Jackson, CPA 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 18:35:59 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [OT] Dow Jones Continues Obama Slide

The stock market topped out with the DJ IA a little over 14,000, before 
it started its slide.  I wouldn't be surprised to see the DJ IA go to 
7,000, losing half its previous highs.  The DJ IA is made up of 30 blue 
chip corporate stocks, (eg . ).   I'm 
guessing the average portfolio will likewise lose half its previous 
highs, before we hit bottom, but some portfolios will do better and 
other worse.

All the losses are paper loses, unless the stock is actually sold, so 
I'm going to hold on to my stocks, selling as little as possible while 
the market is down.  Also, I'll invest as much as I can right now, while 
stocks are down, then when the market recovers, I can splurge and enjoy 
some of my gains.  I'm strictly a long term investor.  Right now the 
DJIA is at 8,628.25 down 242.29 or 2.73% for the day.  Over the next 10 
to 15 years years the DJIA will probably go to 28,000.



Michael Madigan wrote:
> Down almost 1000 Points since election day.
> ************************************************* 
> Barack Obama is not My President
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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