Hi Tim,

> Didn't find "endobj"

Does miktex provide dvipdfmx (as well as dvipdfm)?  If so, I advise
trying that (dvipdfm is no longer maintained).  If not, I believe you
can get the binaries from

If you try dvipdfmx and it fails, please write the dvipdfmx authors and
include the actual .dvi and .eps files which fail.

> some option in the dvipdfm config is incorrectly set. 

Can't say for sure, but it doesn't sound much like a config problem to
me, but rather a bug in the particular version of dvipdfm.

I am somewhat surprised that dvipdfm[x] accepts eps files in the first
place.  I surmise it converts them on the fly to pdf, which seems pretty
complicated.  If you convert your .eps to .pdf yourself (or export in
pdf in the first place), does it work, perhaps?

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