
while i never have seen this error before, i'm afraid i can't also give you the essential clue how to fix or come arround it. :-( Perhaps you can provide me with some additional information about your environment, i.e. which OS you use, and if you've probably have installed your own Python-compiler, which might run in difficulties with the one, shipped with ProTeXt.

To come to a running TeX-system beside of it, you might try to install the single parts of the system manually. You'll find the corresponding setup- and install-routines in the subdirs:

MiKTeX: for the TeX-engine, and

TeXstudio: for the editor.

Beside this, there are some installation instructions in Install and additional TeX-concerning documents in doc.

Hope this might help - Thomas

Am 08.11.2013 16:18, schrieb Doyeong Kim:
Having only recently been introduced to the world of TeX and given an
opportunity to try it out, I was naturally drawn to download ProTeXt as
a convenient distributor. I have installed the self-extracting file
which created a bunch of folders and a set-up file.
Unfortunately, when I pressed setup.exe for installation I was
confronted with an error message

/See setup.exe.log for details/

The file read

/Traceback (most recent call last):/
/  File "protext-setup.py", line 298, in <module>/
/  File "protext-setup.py", line 97, in __init__/
/  File "wx\_controls.pyc", line 494, in __init__/
/UnicodeDecodeError: 'cp949' codec can't decode bytes in position 4-5:
illegal multibyte sequence/

So far the Internet haven't given me a clue on how to address this
issue, and the error message to me is cryptic at best. (apart from the
fact that it seems like something with Python...?) I don't think my
computer is missing files, and so far those around me didn't seem to
have such problems.

If you have any ideas on how to tackle this problem please give me a reply.
Help would be very much appreciated! :)

Thanks in advance!



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