Em Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:46:54 -0300
Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> > Eu acho q ele entende a questão (o Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols não é  
> > exatamente um mané no mundo FLOSS), mas o pto de vista dele é mais
> > de "produto", com um viés "open source", do q propriamente de
> > alguém preocupado com a questão filosófica por trás do SL.
> Eu não conheço ele pelo nome; ele pode não ser um mané, mas o artigo
> dele é completamente misguiding e desinformado.

Comentário da LWN da semana sobre o artigo:

"Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols is a mainstream technology reporter who has
often shown a reasonably high level of clue regarding the free software
community. A recent article, titled Open Source Madness!, shows where
that clue ends, however. More to the point, it shows an area where the
free software community is having a hard time making itself understood.

The article in question takes issue with the Debian project's plan to
drop Firefox from etch (see this LWN article from September for more
information), and with the existence of Gnuzilla and Iceweasel, which
are versions of the Mozilla suite and Firefox browser which are
intended to be truly freely redistributable. Mr. Vaughan-Nichols
presents the issue as being only about logos, calls the Debian
developers "fundamentalists," and states:

By winning this 'battle,' the pedantic Debian developers have helped
the proprietary forces of Microsoft and friends far more then the cause
of Open Source.

So why is it that the Debian developers have done this terrible thing?
Maybe it is time to look at the reasoning behind this move.


http://lwn.net/Articles/203084/ (ainda somente para assinantes; quem
não for veja sumana que vem)


  Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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