Hi Mike,
Your proposal looks good to me, though I'm no fixed point guru.

Perhaps Ed Willink or others would have comments?

I'd like to see your changes include tests in the test suite
so that we can be sure we have good coverage.



    I want to follow-up on my previous discussion on the fixed point with
    a few observations and more suggestions. Initially, I had
    misunderstood the meaning of the [x,y] precision format used by the
    Ptolemy fixed-point infrastructure by assuming that this format did
    not include a bit for the sign (I would have saved a lot of time had I
    read the Precision class file documentation more carefully). The
    bit-width specification in Precision assumes that a bit dedicated for
    the sign and the arithmetic operations perform "signed" arithmetic
    correctly with this definition.
    While this appears to be working well, I am running into troubles when
    I try to model unsigned arithmetic operations. Much of what I do
    involves digital hardware circuits where unsigned arithmetic is very
    common. I have been able to model much of the unsigned arithmetic
    using the existing twos complement signed format supported by the
    current code. However, I am having a number of problems when
    rounding/truncating unsigned numbers using the existing code and
    keeping track of the "extra" bit associated with the sign.
    I would like to suggest modifying fixed point infrastructure to
    support both signed and unsigned number formats naturally. While more
    code would be required, I believe supporting both signed and unsigned
    within the existing classes would be natural and relatively
    straightforward. Details of my proposal are listed below.
    Any suggestions on my proposal?
    The current Precision class defines the fixed point precision using
    two arguments, [x/y] where x specifies the total number of bits and y
    specifies the number of integer valued bits. In this format, one of
    the bits is assumed to be the sign bit.
       Max value = 127  (01111111)
       Min value = -128 (10000000)
    I propose that we add another field in the precision specification
    that allows for unsigned values. For example, such a specificatoin
    could be [x/y/z] where x is used for the total number of bits, y is
    used to specify the number of integer bits, and z is used to specify
    the sign bit (z=0 indicates unsigned number and x=1 indicates a signed
    number). Here are some examples of numbers in this new format:
       Max value = 127  (01111111)
       Min value = -128 (10000000)
       Epsilon = 1
       Max value = 63.5  (11111111)
       Min value = 0     (000000000)
       Epsilon = 0.5
       Max value = 255 (11111111)
       Min value = 0   (00000000)
       Epsilon = 1
       Max value = 254    (01111111 x 2 = 011111110)
       Min value = -256   (10000000 x 2 = 100000000)
       Epsilon = 2
    Necessary Changes:
      - support added representation for unsigned numbers
       - Text format for specifying signed/unsigned behavior
       - Field to represent signed/unsigned behavior
       - Accessor method to determine signed/unsigned behavior
       - Modification of all methods to correctly represent both unsigned
         and signed numbers.
      - backwards compatibility for signed only formats
       (specification in old format creates a "signed" number)
      - This class assumes a sign bit. Modify the class to
        query the unsigned/signed behavior to respond correctly
    FixPoint.java (* this would involve the most work)
      - Modification of all arithmetic functions to handle unsigned
        - Produce a fixed value with the correct signed/signed
          Operand A  Operand B  Result
          unsigned   unsigned   unsigned
          unsigned   signed     signed
          signed     unsigned   signed
          signed     signed     signed
      - Modification of quantize method
      - Handle unsigned overflow
      - Handle unsigned rounding
    No changes to:
      FixType, FixToken, FixPointQuantization
    Michael J. Wirthlin
    Associate Professor
    Electrical and Computer Engineering  Voice: (801) 422-7601
    Brigham Young University             Fax:   (801) 422-0201
    459 Clyde Building                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Provo, UT 84602                      www.ee.byu.edu/faculty/wirthlin
    Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
    mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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