At 03:30 PM 10/18/2005 -0700, Chad Berkley wrote:

I'm trying to enable the canvas to allow a user to drag an actor from
the canvas back to the actor library.  I've got the drag n' drop
working, except that I can't seem to figure out how to get a
reference to the NamedObj that implements the diva Figure on the
canvas.  I have a reference to the Figure and also a reference to the
root model itself, but how do I get a reference to the NamedObj that
the Figure represents?  I'm working within the confines of
BasicGraphFrame and the LayerAdapter that is implemented there.  My
question is, how do I reconcile a Figure with a NamedObj so that when
I drop the actor (or director or whatever) onto the actor library, i
can process the actual ptolemy object instead of the diva object?


The following method in ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget
illustrates what you need, I think:

        /** Return the object under the specified point, or null if there
         *  is none.
         *  @param point The point in the graph pane.
         *  @return The object under the specified point, or null if there
         *   is none or it is not a NamedObj.
        private NamedObj _getObjectUnder(Point2D point) {
            Figure figureUnderMouse = _getFigureUnder(point);

            if (figureUnderMouse == null) {
                return null;

            Object objectUnderMouse = ((UserObjectContainer) figureUnderMouse)

// Object might be a Location, in which case we want its container.
            if (objectUnderMouse instanceof Location) {
return (NamedObj) ((NamedObj) objectUnderMouse).getContainer();
            } else if (objectUnderMouse instanceof NamedObj) {
                return (NamedObj) objectUnderMouse;

            return null;

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Edward A. Lee
Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
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