You can use the ContinuousClock to produce arbitrary, piecewise-constant
waveforms, periodic or not...


At 10:05 AM 12/1/2005 +0100, Francesc Moll Echeto wrote:
Dear Ptolemy users,

I recently installed Ptolemy. I am interested in the simulation of electromechanical systems.

I started by modelling the equations of a damped mechanical oscillator subject to an external force, which I modelled using a CurrentTime actor and an Expression actor, in my case an exponential impulse. This example works great.

Now, I would like to substitute the exponential impulse by a more complex, arbitrary, waveform of the external force. My idea is to use a piece-wise linear waveform that I could modify to resemble a realistic mechanical impulse.

Could someone give me an idea on how to do that? Is that possible with Ptolemy? I don't know if I should use a DE director (defining a sequence of values) inside the CT director that I use to solve the equations. Honetly, I am lost and don't know how to do it.

Any hint will be very much appreciated.


o o o  Francesc Moll Echeto           | High Performance IC Design Group
o o o  Dpt. Electronic Engineering    | www:
o o o  Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U P C  c/ Gran Capita s/n Ed. C4      | Tel: +34 934016846
       08034 Barcelona, Spain         | Fax: +34 934016756

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Edward A. Lee
Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
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