Hi Michael

> - I was NOT planning on including an instance of Overflow or
>    Rounding with each instance of FixType. While there are
>    reasons for this, I feel that these modes should be
>    specified within actors rather than a type on a port.
> Any other thoughts on this?

I've long felt that types define how actual values are represented and
operators/actors define the computation between ideal values. 

I therefore feel that when I define a 'modulo 2-pi' data type
that all arithmetic should respect this type specification. I
do not want to create a new set of actors for what is fully defined
by the type mapping from results computed in the unconstrained number
space/line without regard to the output type, and the constrained number
space/line enforced by the 'modulo 2-pi' output type.

Similarly I do not want to have to replicate actors just to change
rounding mode.

The extreme polymorphism of its actors is one of Ptolemy II's major
benefits (and problems), it seems a shame not to preserve and exploit
the design space positioning.


                Ed Willink

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