Hi Adriana,

I'm fairly certain you've stumbled across relation groups, which are
only present in the devel tree, not in Ptolemy II 5.0.1

In the as yet unpublished most recent version of the 
kernel chapter, Professor Edward Lee wrote:

Relation Groups
Relations mediate connections between ports. For flexibility,
particularly with visual syntaxes, the Ptolemy II abstract syntax
permits any number of relations to be involved in any one
connection. Figure 1.8 illustrates this. Relations may be linked to
other relations. Any two relations that are linked are said to be
members of the same relation group. Specifically, a relation group is
a maximal set of linked relations. Semantically, a relation group has
the same meaning as a single relation. Thus, the two diagrams in
figure 1.8 have the same meaning. The API of the Relation class, as
shown in figure 1.2, support linking and unlinking relations, and also
provides a method to obtain a list of all the relations in a relation

In a relation group, there is no significance to the order in which
relations are linked, unlike the order in which ports are linked to
relations. Also, unlike links between relations and ports, there is no
significance to multiple links between the same relations. Any two
relations are either linked or not linked.

Figure 1.8 looks sort of like

If R1, R2 and R3 are relations and are in a Relation Group, then:
     | \---R3---D
     | \------D

are semantically the same

There is a test that has a width great than one, which in this case
does not have a relation (black diamond), but instead is a bus of
multiple links, see:

Note that if the relation group has a width > 1, and there is actually
a relation present (a black diamond) then the relation will show the
width numerically:  

For example:
Ramp ------<>------- Display 

I might be a little unclear on bus vs relation group here, perhaps
someone can clarify?



    Hi all,
    I discovered that it is possible setting relation's width through the 
    parameter dialog box of the relation. This parameter sets the number of 
    channels that the relation represents. Where can I find any demo with 
    the width setted? In which models this parameter is usefull? Are there 
    other parameters that can be setted and can affect MoC?
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