-----Original Message-----
From: John Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 15 April 1999 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Book burning

Dear Omega,

    Paul Hellyer's latest book "Stop:Think" will be offered for sale at
most of the venues where he will be speaking. In the Adelaide venue, for
example, some 100 copies will be available for purchase, along with other
books about globalisation (eg, John Ralston Saul's latest, and also that of
George Soros). The Adelaide distributor is Dymocks. The Australia-wide
distributor is Tower Books, located in NSW.


John Hermann


Concerned citizens of the world who fear the erosion of democracy and the
ascendance of corporate plutocracy.  Paul Hellyer has written a book,
"Stop: Think" that provides an alternate and very different vision for your

ISBN 0-9694394-6-6

Paul Hellyer's book "Stop: Think" is a powerful indictment of the trend to a
world without borders with its destabilizing and dehumanizing effects.  On
the positive side Hellyer provides the radical antidote designed to end
capitalism's boom-bust cycle and provide new hope for all the people of the

"Globalization is just a code word for the systematic elimination of the
nation state and the end of democracy as we have known it", Hellyer says.
"It is the means by which transnational corporations can avoid either
paying fair wages to their employees or paying taxes to support common
services and environmental protection."

"This 'jungle' economics is the natural consequence of the neo-classical
monetarist economic 'theology' of Professor Milton Friedman and his
disciples.  In essence it is economics void of morality", Hellyer adds.

His book demonstrates that in the 25 years since monetarism was adopted by
central banks world economic performance has slipped badly.  "Even the
mighty U.S. economy has suffered", he says.  The rate of increase in output
is down 38% on average while unemployment has been 40% higher, inflation up
by 100% and the federal debt has increased 1,052% compared to the previous
26 years of the Keynesian era.  "Yet this", he says, "is the system which
is being rammed down the throats of countries all around the world."

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been accessories to
the economic carnage.  "Between them", Hellyer suggests, "they have wrecked
most Third World and underdeveloped economies.  They have played a
predominant role in the impoverishment of millions of people and both
agencies should be wound up."

This same economic ideology has resulted in a debt load that is now
unsustainable.  "In the absence of radical measures", Hellyer insists, "an
economic collapse will occur as soon as taxpayers stop providing the
International Monetary Fund with money to bail out irresponsible banks."

A grass roots movement has sprung up to urge the leaders of the G7
countries to honour the year 2000 by forgiving Third World countries of
much of their oppressive debt.  It is called the year of the Jubilee
committee.  Paul Hellyer's book addresses their concerns.

"It is the banking system which is the root of the problem," Hellyer says.
"It is the source of the boom-bust cycle and has been responsible for the
45 recessions and depressions we have had in less than 200 years.  Only
fundamental reform can prevent another crash and offer new hope to southern
and northern hemispheres alike."

While Hellyer's analysis of the existing system is highly critical, he goes
on to suggest practical solutions.  "By reducing bank leverage to a level
comparable to that of other corporations", he says, "it would be possible
to pay off all Third World external debt and reduce First World debt
substantially at the same time."  He underlines the point that nation
states must be given back much of the power that they have given up to
international organizations such as the World Trade Organization, including
the right to restrict capital flows and investment.

Hellyer hopes that the United States will take the initiative with the G7
leaders in proposing fundamental reforms to set the system right.  "The
U.S. should do this because it is the moral thing to do, as well as being
in its own long-term best interests."  If that doesn't happen, Hellyer
offers a back-up position.  "If the U.S. refuses to act, Nelson Mandela
should organize Third World countries and persuade them to force the issue.
They should threaten to stop payments of principal and interest on their
foreign debt if the West hasn't acted by June 1, 2000.  That would bring
the G7 leaders to their knees and guarantee that the year of the Jubilee
wound end on a high note."

About the Author

Paul Hellyer started his career in 1949 as Canada's youngest Member of
Parliament.  Eight years later he became the youngest Cabinet Minister.
Although today he is probably best known for unifying the Canadian Armed
Forces, the last chapter of Paul Hellyer's contributions to the Canadian
way of life has not yet been written.  His new book is a call to action for
concerned people worldwide.  People don't have to accept the injustice and
uncertainty of the current trend.  They can apply political pressure to
their elected leaders and force them to listen.  Democracy can be restored
but only by the concerted action of millions of people all around the

What Can You Do?

Ask your book store to order the book.  Also ask your library to order one.
Available from:

In the U.S.:
Associated Publishers Group Tel: (615) 254-2450
1501 Country Hospital Rd. Fax: (615) 254-2408
Nashville, TN  37218 Tel: 1-800/327-5113
U.S.A. Fax: 1-800/254-2450
website: www.bookbase.com
In Canada:
General Distribution Services Tel: (416) 213-1919
325 Humber College Blvd. Fax: (416) 213-1917
Etobicoke, ON  M9W 1C7 1-800/387-0141 (Ontario/Québec)
Canada 1-800/387-0172 (Other Provinces)
website: www.genpub.com
In Australia:
Tower Books Pty Ltd. Tel: (02) 9975-5566
Unit 9/19 Rodborough Rd. Fax: (02) 9975-5599
Frenchs Forest
New South Wales 2086

Also available on the internet:
In the U.S.: Barnes and Noble       www.barnesandnoble.com
Amazon   www.Amazon.com
In Canada: Chapters   www.ChaptersGlobe.com
Indigo   www.indigo.ca
Canadian Action Party  www.canadianactionparty.ca

Once you have read the book, if you agree with the general thrust please:
(a) Write, fax or e-mail your representative in Congress or Parliament.
(b) Write, fax or e-mail your president or prime minister.
(c) Write, fax or e-mail Nelson Mandela and ask him to organize Third World
countries to ensure that the miracle with happen.

For further information contact:
In English: Paul Hellyer
In French & Spanish: René Silva
Tel: (416) 535-7611
Fax: (416) 535-6325
Important: Note that there is currently underway an Australian lecture tour
of Hon Paul Hellyer, former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and founder of
the Action Canada movement.


Sunday 11 April - SYDNEY, "Reclaiming Democracy: The People versus Global
Finance", 1999 Peoples' Summit Meeting at University of Technology, Sydney
9.00am-3.30pm, Contact Frances Milne, Phone: (02) 9810 7812, Email:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or John Horrocks, (02) 9948 3408

Tuesday 13 April - BRISBANE, Public Meeting 7.00pm, Brisbane City Hall -
contact Janice Howard, Phone: (07) 3844 3350, Brian O'Halloran (07) 3395
0670, or Richard Sanders by Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wednesday 14 April - CANBERRA, Public Meeting 7.00pm, Aust National
University; also Thurs 15 - Meeting at Parliamentary Library plus lunch;
informal dinner at night with small group 20 or so; Friday 16 - visit ACT
Assembly with a small group of politicians - Contact: Dr Chris Watson,
Phone: 0262 545 238

Sunday 18 April - ADELAIDE, Public Meeting - Globalisation Forum
"Reclaiming the Economy" at the University of South Australia (City West
campus, Hans Heysen building, 61-73 North Terrace, Adelaide) 1.00pm-5.00pm;
also there is a barbeque and get-together on Saturday 17 April - Contact:
Dr John Hermann, Phone: (08) 8264 4282, or Jennifer Whitehead, Phone: (08)
8371 3300, Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wednesday 21 April - GEELONG, Public Meeting in Geelong, Contact: Serena
O'Meley, Phone: (03) 524 13752, Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thursday 22 April - MELBOURNE, Meeting in Melbourne at 7.00pm, Contact:
Charles Brass, Phone: (03) 9459 0244, Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Details of meeting programmes and supporting speakers will be provided by
the contacts listed above. Media interviews are being arranged in each city.


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