Melissa Manson is the name of the person.

Dion Giles wrote:

> At 11:54 16/04/99 +1000, you wrote:
> >As another Melbourne person is about to be jailed for expressing their
> >opinion and not voting it is a good time for all people who support the
> >fundamental human right to express political opinions to make it clear
> >to their so-called politcal representatives and the AEC that they are
> >disgusted with their behaviour. I will be emailing every member of
> >Federal parliament online to express to tell them that they should learn
> >to tolerate other people's opinions and permit the free expression of
> >political opinion during elections. It is impossible to communicate with
> >the AEC online but you can get free postage envelopes at any post office
> >to send them complaints about their lack of respect for human rights -
> >using only one will just be ignored so send 100.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Mark Holsworth
> >
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Mark, it would be very helpful if you (or anyone else) could outline the
> facts of this case, or suggest a URL for info on it, to help us take
> appropriate action.
> Best wishes
> Dion Giles
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