Hi John,

I live in Queensland and was unable to attend your court case.

Being in court myself and wanting a Jury I understand the problem. So what
I pass your emails on to others. What do you want me to do?  What is the
plan now that the courts have failed the people?

A political solution? Well The only credible opponent to the established
order at present is One Nation. Given the major parties colluding against
One Nation their ability to win seats is reduced. Without MP's little can be

Rely on existing MP's- well we can't trust most of them now so why will they
suddenly improve and help

Demonstrations- OK for people in the major cities but not likely to succeed-
the very people who are concerned are not the type of people who actively

If there is silence on your concerns it is because I have no idea how to win
the issue of Magna Carta and Juries. I have struggled on fighting the gun
laws and mainly rely on civil disobedience. Most gun-owners have done this.
But how does this help?

I may be brain dead but I try to avoid apathy. With E-mail I get inundated
with enormous amounts of information for a variety of causes-  most of which
I am unable to figure out how to make a contribution.

Have you a plan? I don't.

Martin Essenberg
Gun activist
Gun web-site-  http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/lobby/5804/

----- Original Message -----
> Is everyone brain-dead?  Does anyone realize that they have lost their
> right to trial by jury - a right which was granted by Magna Carta in 1215
> and is still guarantied under section 80 of the Australian Constitution

> The judges in the High Court have just made you slaves.  What is the
> response?  Bugger all!
> It is said that Apathy is the silent blessing of evil. This is more than
> apathy.  This is unbelievable stupidity.

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