Daniel O'Connor wrote:

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Malte Kiesel <malte.kie...@dfki.de <mailto:malte.kie...@dfki.de>> wrote:

    Daniel O'Connor wrote:

        I more specifically was asking "Can I have a
        discover-links-on-freebase-feature", as there is probably more
        relevant data in freeebase which is not necessarily in dbpedia

    I'll look into that. It seems that Sindice performs a bit odd
    searching in Freebase though (try queries with
    domain:rdf.freebase.com <http://rdf.freebase.com>). Any pointers
    on how to search in Freebase from Java without hassle?

Client side:

You can pre-arm it to limit to certain types, and it's a pretty good wayt to resolve an ID.

Server side:

JSON results.

Other queries:
Freebase works around "MQL", which is kind of like expressing the key / value pairs you want to search for as a series of hashes/objects in javascript/json, and using 'null' to say "SELECT * FROM table".

If you can think in SPARQL and write javascript, this is for you.


What's the aversion to simply thinking in SPARQL re. Freebase?

Freebase folks: Why not provide a SPARQL option (basically a SPARQL to MQL translator if mapping to your lower level APIs isn't a short term option) ?



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
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