Many of the Semantic Web ontologies in the domain of HCLS contain constructs 
for the representation of bibliographic information and references to database 
entries. Unfortunately, it seems that most of them came up with their own 
If we as Semantic Web developers want to be taken seriously in our striving for 
improved interoperability, we should try to find a common solution. Of course, 
we can do mappings between our ontologies, but it would definitly be preferable 
to use the same set of constructs from the start. As most of our ontologies are 
under development, we still have the opportunity to reach an agreement. 

I have started a wiki page that lists HCLS ontologies that contain constructs 
for the representation of bibliographic information, as well as possible 
standards that could be re-used to increase interoperability:

I am sure that the list is incomplete, so please take the time to add to it. 
What are your thoughts about this problem?

Matthias Samwald

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