
I commend you on two fronts: 1) developing a chem data model that utilizes 
InChi as part of the URI, and 2) demonstrating how something as simle as an 
XSLT can be used to organize viewable html ( I also see your OpenMolecules page 
supports the use of RDFa-- great job!).

We've discussed a little bit on trying to promote the development of Chemical 
URIs, possibly using InChi. We've heard others have been proposing to do this 
as well. Is the OpenMolecules program connected to work at U of Southampton on 
chemical identifiers? 

I think it would be great if most of the chem and life sci community could 
agree on a single chemical URI model that is open and annotatable! Are you 
hoping to see this happen as well?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Egon Willighagen
Sent: Thu 8/2/2007 7:39 AM
Subject: RDF for molecules, using InChI

Hi all,

I played a bit with RDF for molecular data a bit this week, and now
have a RDF provider service (try methane [1]), which is written in
PHP, uses XSLT to create a HTML frontend (*). It works for any
molecule/InChI, but depends on 'plugins' to set up any other than the
implied properties (i.e. reproduce the InChI). The methane example
mentioned shows some information extracted from Chemical blogspace
[2], but I plan to write other plugins too, e.g. for PubChem,
ChemSpider and other databases.

I have written up some thoughs at [3], and would much like to hear
your opinions and comments.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

kind regards,

Egon Willighagen

*) FireFox and IE pick up the declared stylesheet, but
Konqueror/Linux does not.


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