Hi Michel,

The work HCLS is doing is open to anyone in the HCLS community. The best way to influence the process, for the better, is to take some time and participate in it. We've had several phone calls, publicly announced. We will have more. Have you joined any of them? There's also a number of wiki pages, and the invitation to add more material so that there is more to work with.

Regarding the goals of the report. It is a recommendation on URI usage. I don't know exactly what it will contain (since that's something that's being worked on) but I won't rule out recommendations on URI schemes. Whether or not that happens would depend on the participants thinking it would be a good idea or not. I am, personally, not very interested in only giving a neutral history URI schemes, or only saying what the problem is, even though I expect that this sort of analysis will be part of the report. The larger HCLS community is interested in making some progress on this, and there are frequent calls for specific recommendations, and there a set of requirements driven by a mixture of existing applications, past experience with what has worked and not worked, and general principles of web architecture.

We are ignoring no discussions, but can't be held responsible if we advertise an open process and interested parties don't show up.



On Aug 6, 2007, at 12:48 PM, Michel_Dumontier wrote:


The HCLS should outline existing mechanisms by which one can uniquely
identify a resource, independent of its resolution. Bioinformatics has
been forever plagued by innumerate resource identifiers, for which,
finally, semantic web technologies (XML/RDF/OWL) provide the semantics
to support data integration, in the presence of unique identifiers and, optionally, schemas/ontologies. A clear description of this problem and
the requirements for its solutions would be useful outcomes of HCLS

While there are arguments FOR and AGAINST a great number of URI schemes, there is ABSOLUTELY no requirement for a particular resolution protocol
to be recommended by HCLS. Indeed, by advocating a certain technology,
HCLS "recommendations" will surely alienate a large number of people
that it aims to represent, and ultimately its report will fall by the
wayside. Ignore these discussions at your peril. The fact that the HCLS community uses HTTP URIs or LSID URNs or INFO URIs, etc, illustrates the
breadth of community requirements. An analysis into these motivations
and summarizing existing mechanisms would surely be a useful
contribution for current and future adopters.



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