Hilmar Lapp wrote:
In the LSID resolver spec resolution doesn't depend on the authority domain name.

Neither does the HTTP URI scheme: You can set up common HTTP proxy software to reroute HTTP requests (if you don't want to do application-level rewriting). I don't quite see how that's less effective or practical than the LSID fallback mechanism?

This is (at least was) a concept similar as for DOIs. If the original journal or publisher goes away, the DOI can be rerouted through the central registry to a different journal, or publisher that subsumed the original one, or to a digital archive.

Note that the LSID scheme has the same proplem as HTTP if the owner of a domain changes, e.g. if UniProt disappears and the uniprot.org domain is bought by UniProt the security company, and they buy into the LSID system (it's really not domain specific after all, right?), they might set up a resolver, and all of a sudden urn:lsid:uniprot.org:keyword:6 returns a description of "armed robbery" instead of " multifunctional enzyme"...

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