* *


*held in conjunction with*


*OCTOBER 25-29, 2009*


Scientific research is becoming both increasingly interdisciplinary, and
dependent on the Web for dissemination. Yet the form of the discourse has
remained for the most part, a digital analog of the paper research article.
This situation persists despite the emergence of Web 2.0 paradigms (blogs,
wikis, online communities), application of Semantic Web technologies to
problems in biomedicine, and the introduction of virtual research
environments in certain areas. We will bring together experts in semantic
technology, scientific informatics, virtual research environments, Web
communities and scientific publishing to contribute to the development of
new thinking on how scientific research can be communicated, characterized,
annotated, searched and shared on the Web.

The availability of Web 3.0 technologies (social web + Semantic Web) now
makes it possible to fundamentally change the way scientific communications
take place. This workshop is timely due to the rapidly changing publication
model, and the volume of scientific knowledge that needs to be organized and
managed to enable comprehension of scientific understanding and knowledge.

*Audience: *

The audience will be made up of individuals interested in Semantic Web,
scientific publication, biomedical web communities, and information
retrieval. This workshop will attract those interested in the convergence of
Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies, and their application to increase the
velocity and breadth of scientific communications. This workshop will also
be of interest to those interested in adopting these technologies to their
own domains of discourse.

*Topics of Interest: *

   - Semantic annotation of scientific publications
   - Metadata and annotation management for digital repositories
   - Structured digital abstracts
   - Semantically-enhanced search of the bibliome
   - Ontologies for biomedical methods and materials
   - Semantic bookmarking in science
   - Convergence of bottom-up and top-down ontology construction
   - Activity-based and pragmatics-based scientific ontologies

Prospective authors are invited to submit research papers in any of the
areas listed above. Research papers should be 6-10 pages in length and must
be formatted in the style of Springer.

*Important Dates:*
Paper submission:                              August 7, 2009
Notification of acceptance:                 September 1, 2009

Final version of accepted papers:       October 2, 2009
Workshop days:                                October 25-26, 2009

*Program Committee:*

·           Christopher Baker, University of New Brunswick

·           Colin Batchelor, Royal Society of Chemistry

·           Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester

·           Judy Blake, Jackson Labs

·           John Breslin, NUI Galway

·           Simon Buckingham Shum

·           Paolo Ciccarese, Harvard

·           Sudeshna Das, Harvard

·           Anita de Waard, Elsevier

·           Dave de Roure, University of Southampton

·           Don Doherty, Brainstage

·           Michel Dumontier, Carleton University

·           Andrew Gibson, University of Manchester

·           Carole Goble, University of Manchester

·           William Hayes, BiogenIdec

·           Vipul Kashyap, Cigna

·           Phillip Lord, University of Newcastle

·           John Madden, Duke

·           Robin McEntire, Merck

·           Mark Musen, Stanford

·           Eric Neumann, Clinical Semantics

·           David Newman, University of Southampton

·           Vit Novacek, DERI

·           Chimezie Ogbuji, Cleveland Clinic

·           Alex Passant, DERI

·           Elgar Pichler, AstraZeneca

·           Rosalind Reid, Harvard

·           Thomas Rindflesch, NIH

·           Patrick Ruch, University of Applied Sciences Geneva

·           Matthias Samwald, DERI

·           Nigam Shah, Stanford University

·           Yimin Wang, Eli Lilly

·           Katy Wolstencroft, University of Manchester
·           Jenna Zhou, Eli Lilly

*Organizing Committee: *

·   Tim Clark, Harvard Medical School/MGH, tim_cl...@harvard.edu

·   Joanne Luciano, MITRE, jluci...@gmail.com

·   M. Scott Marshall, University of Amsterdam, marsh...@science.uva.nl

·   Eric Prud'hommeaux, W3C, USA, e...@w3.org

·   Susie Stephens, Johnson and Johnson, susie.steph...@gmail.com

More information about the workshop will be made available at

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