Dear all,

Now and then I receive questions about the contents of the HCLS Knowledge Base 
and how it can be queried. I want to point out that there is a wiki page that 
describes the content and named graphs within the knowledge base:

I just updated the wiki page. If you have some rich RDF/OWL datasets that you 
would like to see added to the knowledge base, please contact me. 

Since it would not be feasible to maintain a knowledge base that contains all 
of the life science - related RDF datasets that currently exist, I want to 
focus the HCLS Knowledge Base on collecting and integrating rich datasets that 
have been created by participants / associates of the HCLS Interest Group 
community. I think that this could help us identify connections and potential 
synergies of our work. Besides, even though linked data URIs and federated 
queries are nice, it is quite practical to have all relevant datasets 
accessible through a single SPARQL endpoint.

Matthias Samwald

DERI Galway, Ireland

Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution & Cognition Research, Austria

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