Forgot to cc the list. -Kei

Kei Cheung wrote:

Hi Don,

Donald Doherty wrote:

Hi Kei,

Great to hear from you and the podcast idea is excellent. I wonder, is there any effort to have semantics attached to the podcasts? That'd be cool to have triples indicating content.

Check out the Neuropod feeds at:

These feeds (XML format) describe different neuroscience podcasts. One can choose to listen to podcasts relating to dopamine neuron, Alzheimer disesae, etc.

The semantic web and podcasts can make neuroscience "music to our ears".

Have fun!


The main difficulty with making an iPhone app work with multiple SPARQL endpoints, from my perspective, is due to 1) differing coverage and content, 2) differing structures, and 3) differing URIs. Number 3 is the easiest to deal with.

An application that goes straight to the endpoints without using a server to do translation, aggregation, etc. across endpoints must either do all of this itself (too much for an iPhone app) or get its full content from the endpoint it uses.

Detailed PubMed information, for instance, is a very important feature to scientists. Only the Bio2RDF endpoints provide details including abstracts in RDF. All endpoints seem to have the authors associated with a particular paper but a big limitation of every endpoint is that it is impossible to reconstruct the order of the authors. (At least I haven't found a way.)


On Dec 17, 2009, at 3:26 PM, Kei Cheung wrote:

Hi Don,

Donald Doherty wrote:

Scott Marshall suggested that people on the HCLS list would have fun with my SemanticWb iPhone and iPod touch app ( ).

Mobile neuroscience sounds an interesting concept. You may also want to use it to play the neuroscience podcasts of interest.

It's one of many technologies I play around with to test the potential (and current limits) of the Semantic Web and Semantic Web technologies (for instance, see my site using MIT Simile technology at

Currently SemanticWb is using Bio2RDF endpoints. I'm working to make it possible for the user to select from a number of SPARQL endpoints but it's unfortunately non-trivial.

Is it because of the bandwidth issue? I think it'd be nice if it can also access other endpoints like the HCLS KB's. That reminds me that Scott had mentioned to me recently that the HCLS KB endpoint at Berlin could not be accessible. I wonder if it has been fixed yet.



Enjoy! And I'll be happy to talk about lessons learned.

Donald Doherty, Ph.D.

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