The next NCBO Webinar will be held TOMORROW Wednesday, January 20, at 10am
PT. Please note there will not be a VOIP option, and attendees must call
into the teleconference.

Below is information on how to join the online meeting via WebEx and
accompanying teleconference. The Webinar will be presented by Amit Sheth
from the Kno.e.sis Center at Wright State University. The title of the
presentation is "Semantics and Services Enabled Problem Solving Environment
for Trypanosoma cruzi".

For a schedule of 2010 presentations or for more information about the NCBO
Seminar Series, see:

Title: Semantics and Services Enabled Problem Solving Environment for
Trypanosoma cruzi

Abstract: The Trypanosoma Cruzi Semantic Problem Solving Environment (SPSE)
is a collaborative bioinformatics research project involving researchers at
the Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University, the Tarleton Research Group
at CTEGD, University of Georgia, and the National Center for Biomedical
Ontologies (NCBO) at Stanford University. The primary objective of the
project is to create an ontology-driven integrated environment to facilitate
identification of vaccine, diagnostic, and chemotherapeutic targets in the
human pathogen T.cruzi. T.cruzi is a protozoan parasite that causes American
trypanosomiasis or Chagas disease, which is the leading cause of heart
disease and sudden death in middle-aged adults in Latin America..
Approximately 18 million people in Latin America are infected with this

This presentation will cover the following subset of activities being
carried out in the project:
1.    Creation of a Parasite Knowledge Repository (PKR):  The PKR aims to
support complex biological queries related to T.cruzi vaccination or gene
knockout targets over a variety of datasets including experiment data,
structured data from external databases, and biomedical literature. The PKR
is supported by two ontologies namely, (1) the Parasite Experiment ontology
(PEO) that models gene knockout, strain creation, proteomics, and microarray
experiment details, and (2) the Parasite Lifecycle ontology (PLO) to model
the life cycle stages of T.cruzi, Trypanosoma Brucei, and Leishmania major.
In addition, collaborations have been initiated with the Welcome Trust
Sanger Institute (UK) and Oswaldo Cruz Institute (Fiocruz, Brazil) to model
the lifecycle stages of Plasmodium, Schistosoma mansoni, and other
kinetoplastids that have high significance to the parasite research
community. The PKR is being populated with experiment datasets generated by
our biology collaborators at the Tarleton Research Group (TRG) covering gene
knockout, strain creation, proteomics, and microarray experiments.

2.    Trykipedia: Trykipedia is a Wiki-based discussion and dissemination
platform for the parasite community and includes multi-media resource pages
for each entities represented in the PKR that facilitates understanding and
use by the parasite research community. Trykipedia includes descriptive
texts along with images as part of the resource page for each entity.

3.    A Provenance Management Framework (PKR) for scientific data:
Provenance is critical information in scientific applications to verify
experiment process, validate data quality and associate trust values with
scientific results. A coherent integration of the disparate datasets in
T.cruzi SPSE requires the analysis of the associated provenance metadata. To
achieve this objective a provenance management infrastructure called T.cruzi
provenance system (TPS) is being implemented that addresses the (a) capture,
(b) modeling, (c) storage, and (d) querying aspects of provenance management
in T.cruzi SPSE. The TPS is an implementation of a generic framework for
provenance that includes the provenir upper level provenance ontology, which
facilitates provenance interoperability, a set of provenance query operators
implemented in a query engine over a RDF database. Similar to the PKR, the
TPS uses the PEO as a domain-specific provenance ontology. The presentation
will include a brief discussion of provenance query execution over TRG
laboratory datasets using the provenance query operator.

Topic: NCBO Webinar Series
Date: January 20, 2010
Time: 10:00 am, Pacific Standard Time (San Francisco, GMT-08:00)
Meeting Number: 929 613 752
Meeting Password: ncbomeeting

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